We all wonder what our dreams mean and if they even mean anything at all. They must mean something because we are creating all of our dreams with our thoughts and emotions. Our dreams are our own personal movies and we are the directors. We choose the people, the words that we speak and that others speak, our surroundings, and all the emotions and behaviors taking place. There are several theories with regard to the purpose of dreaming. Sigmund Freud believed that our dreams were a "disguised fulfillment of a repressed wish", while Carl Jung believed our dreams to be our unconscious guiding us to solve problems in our waking life and compensating for underdeveloped parts in our waking life.
Interpreting our own dreams can be a very insightful avenue to gain greater self-awareness and to become more connected to our genuine emotions. Sometimes it is hard for us to connect with the way we are feeling about a specific problem or situation, and we may be trying to connect with these emotions in our dreams. We become caught up with many stressful things throughout the day and as we sleep our brain is finally able to process and catch up to what we have experienced. Think about dreaming as therapy. Next time you remember a dream, don't just brush it off, attempt to interpret it and give it meaning because you might be trying to work through something in your real life that you aren't aware of. Here are a few things you can think about or write down about your next dream:
2. What were all the feelings you had throughout the dream?
3. What thoughts did you have?
4. Who was there?
5. What was the overall mood of the dream?
6. What is going on in your real life right now?
7. Why do you think you created this dream?
This site is an online dream interpretation and you can search for your specific dream to help you understand your dreams better. Keep in mind that the interpretations on this site will not necessarily be correct, you decide your own interpretation that is unique to you (remember, you are the director!). Just use this site as a tool to assist you in your own personal interpretation.
If you are dreaming a lot and remembering your dreams, write them down when you wake up, answer these questions, and journal about what it means for you. This can be very therapeutic and help you make decisions and deal with problems you may be having.
Can't always remember your dreams? Right when you wake up in the morning, try not to start stressing about your day and thinking about everything you have to do. When you wake up, stay still and take a few moments to think about your dreams. This should help you to remember your dreams in more detail.
What is a dream you have recently had and how do you interpret it?
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