Friday, April 1, 2011

I think I can, I think I can.

Psychologists have found that we have 60,000 thoughts per day. Geez! These thoughts make up everything we believe about ourselves, others, and the world around us. They are in charge of all the decisions we make....and the ones we never make. Our thoughts control everything about us!

They even control all of our emotions. Think about it. (heh) Our thoughts come before our emotions. We tell ourselves something, we believe it to be true, and then we react with an emotion. For example, what are you thinking right before you become anxious? Maybe "I am going to fail at this" or "What if this plane crashes". The thought enters our mind and then bam, we react with anxiety, fear, heart racing, palms sweating and our stomach in knots. We convince ourselves of something, a belief we created about ourselves or the world. All this convincing gets in the way of our life sometimes. We might be scared to take certain chances or have poor self-image. Whatever it may be, most of the negativity in our life is created by our own thoughts.

So, does that mean if I can convince myself into negativity with my thoughts, I can also convince myself that I am a wonderful, great, beautiful, successful, smart, SUPERMAN THAT CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING I WANT IN LIFE!?!?!!? yup.

Ok, this is getting exciting now. Are you getting excited? Oh, you're not? Well, why don't you think that this is exciting and then it will be ;) We have CONTROL over our own thoughts, and we can change them at any moment! We just need to become more aware of what these thoughts are. It is hard, there are 60,000 a day, but the good thing is we are the ones creating them.

Positive daily affirmations can be very effective. Even if you do not believe them to be true, after repeating them on a daily basis you will be able to begin to believe them as true. We want to be happy and healthy people enjoying this one life. Affirmations are a great first step to achieving a happier life. A good way to find the right affirmation for yourself, is to think about some negative beliefs you have about yourself or others and change those to be the opposite. Another helpful affirmation is an overall positive affirmation about yourself. Replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, each time the negative thought arises.

Dr. Athena Staik wrote a wonderful article about daily affirmations and included these 10 affirmations:
  1. I am willing to think thoughts that enrich my life and relationships.
  2. I love and accept every aspect of myself and my life – just as I am.
  3. I consciously choose what is good for my mind, body and spirit.
  4. I consistently act to cultivate healthy, mutually enriching relationships with those I love.
  5. I have the power and wisdom and strength to handle all situations in my life.
  6. I allow and welcome change, new understanding and growth when I face challenges.
  7. I let go of blame and speak my truth authentically — without judging my self or others.
  8. I am focused on what is good, wonderful in my life.
  9. I seek to honestly assess areas of needed growth, and rise above problems by framing them as solutions.
  10. I allow myself to feel boundless joy now.

And if you don't want to do any of those, you may want to do some of these:

What will your positive affirmation be for today?


  1. I love this video. If you google "I love my life girl," her video is the first that pops up. I really enjoyed reading this blog.

  2. I find the best way to do this is with Dr. Kyprianou's relaxation cd that I listen to at your office when I am there
    and a book called Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. Both great
    resources to really learn to change your thoughts and reprogram your
